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Firstly, I am a design graduate , also a creative problem solver, entrepreneurial, professional and work ready, and having a global outlook.


Moreover, I undertake a lot of different and a sustained, in-depth, and theoretically of informed research and design projects which demonstrates an awareness of professional standards relevant , gain an understanding of successful project planning, which may include budgetary and other relevant constraints, be innovative and experimental and to push at the boundaries of your discipline, to self-evaluate and reflect critically on myself works, but in the design of my career direction , i still exploring an area that is of personal interest to me. 


Furthermore, I can use my strength see the core of complexity to help me measure and evaluate other people product of line, shape, structure and material. In caretaker, I can use my strengths Logical and Impartial to help me set standards , distribute work fairly and reduce disputes in the design group. In decision making, I can use my strengths Analytical and Objective to analysis facts and data of product materials and set the objective of direction give the group members to make a decision.

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